NSSA workshop in November 2019 on Coping with Disasters is open for application

We would like to draw your attention to the NSSA funded Workshop on Coping with Disasters. This hands-on workshop explores the role of psychological first aid, art and spirituality in coping with hardship, tragedies and trauma. Experts from the NORDRESS community as well as Icelandic practitioners will give insights into their approach to coping and lead discussions and group work on supporting individuals and communities with coping. Please find the tentative workshop schedule attached. The event is part of an introductory course with the same title currently taught at the University of Iceland, but can be attended independently by students with related experience.

The workshop will be held in Iceland on November 14-17, 2019. NSSA will pay for the participation in the workshop (travel, accommodation, board) and there should not be other costs involved.  We welcome graduate students related to NORDRESS or recommended by NORDRESS members. Please pass this information to them. Interested students are asked to apply with an email stating their background and interest – addressed to Dr. Uta Reichardt (utar@hi.is).

Please find the workshop schedule here