All partners are devoted to specific tasks within the project which is structured into 13 workpackages (WP).

Each WP has been assigned a WP leader who co-ordinates the activities of the WP and is responsible for:

  • The work-plan of the WP
  • Progress of the WP according to plan
  • Progress reports to the Executive board, including
  • Financial reports for the WP, with timesheets from the WP team members and documentation of other expenses
  • Defining the plan for the coming year
  • Sending the Reports to the Executive board, that finalizes yearly reports to NordForsk and payments to partners


WP 1 Guðrún Pétursdóttir

WP2 Guðrún Pétursdóttir

WP3.1 Arna Hauksdóttir

WP3.2 Atle Dyregrov

WP3.3 Ask Elklit

WP4.1 Haakon Lein

WP4.2 Guðrún Gísladóttir

WP4.3 Hans Jørgen Henriksen

WP 5.1 Farrokh Nadim

WP5.2 Christian Jaedicke

WP5.3 Per Danielsson

WP5.4 Morten Thanning Vendelø,

WP5.5 Guðmundur Freyr Úlfarsson

WP6.1 Adriaan Perrels,

WP6.2 Guðný Björk Eydal