February 2019

Mobility grants have been awarded to:

WP 4.2. To travel to south Iceland to collect data
WP 4.2. To participate and promote NORDRESS work at ECCA 2019 (5 persons)
WP 4.2 & 5.5 For a fieldwork in Japan
WP 5.3. To visit Deltares
WP 5.4. To participate and promote NORDRESS work at NEEDS4
WP 5.1. For travel to NVE, NGU and NGI to collect data (6 persons)


September 2019

Mobility grants have been awarded to:

WP 4.3 To participate in ECCA 2019 in Lisabon 28-31 May 2019 (4 persons).

WP 4.2 To take part in a seminar held by The Red cross in Iceland „Local Disaster Services – the role of the Red Cross in the preparedness and emergency management system in Iceland“  4-5 October 2019.

WP 5.3 To study visit Deltares, Holland. WP 6  To attend the COP 25 to be held in Chile in December 2019.

WP 6 To attend the COP 25 to be held in Chile in December 2019

Seminar/Course grant was awarded to:

WP 5.5 To host a course „Coping with Disasters“  at Hotel Rangá, South Iceland in November 2019.