NORDRESS Management and organisation

Project Manager

The Institute for Sustainability Studies, University of Iceland, is the Project Manager, and
undertakes to implement and carry out the Project in accordance with the Contract with NordForsk.

Executive Board

The Project Manager appoints a 4 person Executive Board, consisting of a Project Leader,
Project Coordinator, Manager of Finance and Project Secretary.


The NORDRESS Council, consisting of one representative from each Party, is the ultimate
decision-making body of the Consortium, as stipulated in the Consortium Agreement.

Workpackage leaders (WPL):

All partners are devoted to specific tasks within the projectwhich is structured into 13 workpackages (WP). Each WP has been assigned a WPleader who co-ordinates the activities of the WP and is responsible for the financial management and progress reports from the WP.

A Programme Committee, which consists of representatives from the Joint Financing Bodies and NordForsk, will supervise the implementation of the Project during the Project Period, and in doing so may request from the Project Manager any such reasonable information as deemed necessary for performing this task. The Project Manager and the Co-operating Partners are obliged to answer any question and forward any such information as the Programme Committee may request, and further to give due consideration to any advice or input given by the Programme Committee. Moreover, the Programme Committee will be responsible for the midterm evaluation.

A Scientific Advisory Board is appointed in order to facilitate the best scientific progress and coherence of the Programme of which the Project is a part, by providing regular and structured advice. Both the Project Manager and the Co-operating Partners are under an obligation to give due consideration to any advice provided by the Scientific Advisory Board.