„Long-term health effects of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: A prospective cohort study in 2010 and 2013.“

Heiðrún Hlöðversdóttir – Master’s thesis defense





Edda Björk Þórðardóttir in the Icelandic National Radio

Edda Björk Þórðardóttir, (participant in WP 3) gave an interview with the Icelandic National Radio (in Icelandic) on how important it is to  improve responses and interventions in the aftermath of disasters. 


What do you do when extreme weather destroys your home?

Climte scientists at NTNU’s Department of Geography have previously mapped the vulnerability of Norway’s municipalities and population to floods, landslides and storms.
The researchers are now conducting a new research project to learn what qualities support communities in preparing for and managing natural hazards and climate-related events, and how communities manage to get back on their feet afterward.

Gunhild Setten is a Professor of Geography at NTNU and heads up the research project Climate Change and Natural Hazards: The Geography of Community Resilience in Norway (ClimRes).  ClimRes project is part NORDRESS “workpackage” on community resilience in disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

NORDRESS – COPE and the Danish Emergency Management Agency

Rasmus Dahlberg, PhD-fellow at COPE and the Danish Emergency Management Agency is currently in Iceland conducting field work as part of NORDRESS, a five-year Center of Excellence on Nordic Societal Security and Resilience funded by NordForsk.

Find more information here

Images may not be used without permission. COPE has been allowed to publish the above with permission from Rasmus Dahlberg.

Danish Emergency Management – now and then

  • Rasmus Dahlberg
  • Lecture at Akureyri Hospital on Monday April 27 at 16-18 (Icelandic time)
  • The lecture will be streamed live on the website www.ems.is. To participate, click on the box „Fjarfundir“.  More information here


PAME, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the World Maritime University (WMU)

..have announced a call for papers for a joint International Conference on Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment (ShipArc 2015), to be held from 25 to 27 August 2015 at WMU in Malmö, Sweden.

The opening address for the event will be delivered by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu. Themes to be addressed throughout the three-day event include:

  • The Polar Code: Implementation & Compliance AssuranceShipArc-v3
  • Beyond the Polar Code
  • Arctic Governance
  • Sustainable Arctic Business Development
  • Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment
  • Training, Capacity-Building, Science & Research

Papers under all themes will inform and enrich the conference discussions. The abstract submission deadline is 31 May 2015 to AbstractsShipArc2015@wmu.se


Sustainable European welfare societies: Assessing linkages between social and environmental policy

Sustainable European welfare societies: Assessing linkages between social and environmental policy