
An unusual NORDRESS meeting!

An unusual NORDRESS meeting took place in Copenhagen on Sept 17-18 2018. More than 20 partners gathered to explore how their work and findings in NORDRESS can be presented to the general public. NORDRESS would like to prepare television or Youtube documentaries about its work and how it embraces societal resilience in a broad perspective.

The scope of NORDRESS  reaches from increasing the individual´s ability to cope with extreme stress, through a variety of measures to engage communities in mitigating natural hazards, on to strengthening transportation infrastructures on land, sea and in the air, and finally to  explore the institutional framework of responses to natural hazards and disasters in the Nordic countries. All these aspects can be presented in ways that inform and engage the general public, and show how NordForsk has contributed to people´s safety by enabling a broad cooperation between experts in all the Nordic countries.

Each team worked together on drafting a description of how their work could be presented on film, – an unusual task for many, but quite enjoyable!