Workshop on Risk assessment and Acceptable Risk

NORDRESS has supported the workshop on:

Risk assessment and Acceptable Risk

To be held in Reykjavík 30.11.16 – 01.12.16

It is IMO, FMI and GEUS that are organizing the workshop and the main aim of it is to create a platform for exchanging experience, knowledge, and new ideas on risk assessment and acceptable risk, with special reference to floods and storm surges. The workshop will encourage the establishment of networks, and create channels for knowledge exchange between the Nordic countries and neighbouring countries. This build-up is facilitated by a set of lectures and group sessions introducing and exploring the different dimensions of acceptable risk. In addition, participants in the workshop will get an insider introduction to the Sendai framework for action 2015-2030 and the related roadmap.

The workshop will be composed of lectures and group work. Speakers from the Netherlands, the UK, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland have been invited to the workshop, to give lectures on the Sendai Framework for Actions 2015–2030 on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), risk assessment and acceptable risk in relation to storm surge, floods and how climate change predictions are taken into account. The lectures will also deal with practical risk management strategies for complex circumstances where formal risk assessment may be hard to carry out.

We hope that you find interest in the workshop and we encourage you to participate. We estimate that the workshop can cover the expenses, i.e. flight ticket, hotel, meals and transport of 17 NORDRESS participants (i.e. outside Iceland).

We encourage you to register as soon as possible and not later than 28th of October 2016 by sending an e-mail to  First-come, first-served !